Grey day
Another wet day here in the sunny south. The farmers will be happy.
We had an unexpected evening out last night: our neighbour, and landlord, popped by to ask if we'd like to come over for a drink, so we headed over there and had a very entertaining couple of hours chatting with him, his partner and daughter. The kids played with the dogs - which went the usual way of my kids and dogs; it starts with the kids being scared of the dogs, then a brief period of games, then the dogs start running away from the kids and hiding.
Meanwhile, discussion continued over some rather delicious champagne: somehow we covered the Irish banking crisis, the crops that work in these parts (he's a farmer), our house purchase and how to make corn dogs - which Mr B and I explained at great length despite neither of us being able to remember whether we'd ever tried or even seen one.
Mr B noticed that his French improved dramatically as the champagne took effect, though we both noticed that our ability to understand our host decreased as the whisky took effect on him and his speed of talking increased.
A slow start to today then, with the kids off school for Ascension Day, there was much lazing around in pyjamas until it was time for Katherine's riding lesson. Usually there are two instructors: one of whom speaks good English. She is unfortunately in hospital (but doing fine) so I shouted translation to Katherine when I could ("heels down" and "hands down" mostly). She was in a different group today but took it all in her stride, galloping around joyfully still stuck like glue to that seat. I haven't had a lesson for two weeks now, and tomorrow's lesson is cancelled. I don't know whether to be glad of the rest from aching muscles, or worried that when it does start up again it'll be twice as bad!
Today's shot is a bit rubbish. I felt like mucking about in photoshop, and there was no decent light for a regular shot anyway, so this is a composite of five shots, inadequetly blended. The swallows were lining up on the wire to shake of the rain and prepare for the next run over the wheat field catching insects. The tree, in case it's not obvious, is not really there.
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