Dear Diary....

19 months 12 days

... today I went in a stream!

It's been a fabulous Mummy and Katie day today. We started out popping into the playcafe for a little bit - the lady there had saved us a copy of the local paper. The blipstaff did a press release about the millionth blip. We made it to the paper!

We then headed up to the library, I had a couple of little jobs to do. Helen came and chatted to Katie who was "playing" on a computer beside me, as well as flitting off to the books. Helen put cbeebies on iplayer for Katie, and because it wasnt busy, she let her have the sound up. It came on and Katie said "no, books" and climbed down!

She'd woken up at 5am so was ready for her sleep a little before normal, but I did manage to get some lunch down her before hand. I went up to waken her and she was just coming round, so I got happy but snuggly cuddles from her whilst she woke up properly.

We went out to post a parcel and I let her lead the way for a wander afterwards. We ended up at the church yard, and then we were nearly at the park so I asked her if she wanted to go on the swings. Of course she did. There were big boys in the toddler bit though, so she wasnt too sure.

She wanted to go see the ducks at the stream, but they weren't there. So we got in the stream for a paddle. It was her first time paddling in a stream and she loved it! Not too surprising really. She paddled up and down several time, did lots of splashing, I got her some pebbles and she enjoyed throwing those. Some girls came who were squealing at the temperature and Katie looked at them as if to say "what's all the fuss about?" She was really excited when the ducks and about 10 ducklings came back and followed them for ages. We were paddling for an hour and the only complaint was when it was time to go home!

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