Tales from a Digital Guy

By digitalface

A taste of Summer

What a friggin day - woke up at 5am with my neck/ribs kicking off, Jen's borrowed the spare car and it wouldnt start (she left the boot open) managed to get it jump started by her brother (thanks james) (i'm too broken at the moment to drive to the other side of the town where she lives or i would have done it). She goes down the road and it's konked out - she calls the AA, they say knackered alternator AND battery...bullshit, it's only one, not both - they really are morons at times. So she got towed to the Bodyshop where both my proper car and hers is (having bodywork done)..picks up her car and drives to me.

We nip down to London Camera Exchange to pick up my camera from having the sensor cleaned, take it home - do test shot...still filthy, take it back, they clean it while i wait (good of them actually), take it home, test shot, STILL dirty...So, as jen has now gone out i'll wait till tomorrow to take it back. Hence the complicated pic today to hide the crap. GRRR

I'm really starting to get fed up with this back/neck/ribs injury...I've got a convertible car i cant drive in this lovely weather, i've got a (little)boat in the marina i cant drive to, and even if i could i cant drive the boat down the river as it would pop my ribs out again, and to top it all, as i'm self employed and been off work for nearly 3 months my business that i've worked bloody hard at over the past few years is in tatters so i'll prolly have to flog all of the above anyway....i REALLY hope i dont come face to face with the cretin that ran into me - or i wont need to worry about the trappings of life cos i'll be locked up....

Sorry for the rant ...just feels like life is so near yet so far at times.

Hope you are all having a great day

Happy Thursday ! LOL

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