Cindi's 2011 Journal

By cindiscoles

Introducing Moo Moo

Thought I would introduce Moo Moo, she's one of the dogs a friend of ours gave to us when he became ill and could no longer take care of his animals. We've adopted several from him due to his health.

Moo Moo is one of my favorites, she's only 2 years old and has such a sweet personality. Today she had her visit to the vet, flee bath and nails cut, so she enjoyed the attention.

I was surprised I was able to get this shot because she's always moving, she's full of energy. I wouldn't have been able to get if she were running in the yard, it took putting her in the outside pen to get it.

link to yesterday's blip, I fell behind again.

Hush Puppies

Night all!

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