Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Well,it's a flower innit ?

What sort says my Mum...errmmm a flower flower Mum, I say....
She stares at me for a while,then surrenders to the fact that I am two bricks short of a load STILL ... and then calls me in to look at Owls made of local stone...We went to Hatton Country park again,it has a garden center which is very good and VERY reasonably priced I have to say .. I often have a small internal chuckle to myself when I see I have written things like that,if you had told me 20 years ago I would know a reasonably priced Nelly Moser I would of laughed in your face and asked for another gin.........

Now...if you offer me gin,I shall ask for cake and do you have a good garden center where you live ;)

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