A Dream Remembered

By gotmilk

My motorbikers.

Tried to have a picnic with my kids today for the Oxfam - Be Humankind event. It rained all day. Tried to put them all in baby E's pram with their bottles, to make it look like they were having a picnic... total chaos. Than I took a picture of baby E while I was feeding him. Didn't like it quite enough to upload it as my blip but I did put it in my blipfolio, so I'm linking my blipfolio again...sorry... if you would like to take a look of the Oxfam - Be Humankind inspired picture, you can find it there. Otherwise I'm just so very very happy to have my husband back again from his another three days work trip that I'm nearly about to cry. Plus it is four years since we got engaged so we have little cause for a celebration as well. :)

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