couches in alleys

By lonelywanderkid

why are entire years

strewn on the cutting room floor of memory, while single frames from one magic night forever flicker in close up on the 3-D imax of my mind?

that's poetic? that's pathetic...

i thought i would use this, my last blip before i leave for new york for a few days, to profess my love for the musical that is Rent. in particular the character of mark cohen (the blurry guy on the far right). basically i am mark cohen, except i am not jewish. if only i were then i would have it made (but shhh... don't tell my friends in australia. they still think i am) in that we would be the same person.

i am hoping to get a ticket to the show from that "tkts" stand in time square.

that's all for now blippers. see you in about six days with some major updates from the city.

"for someone who longs for a community of his own, who's with his camera, alone?"

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