The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Barmouth and the Train Journey....

We all made a train journey from Aberystwyth to Barmouth today, just for the fun of it, £8 for a day rover ticket so can't be bad either. A nice walk around the town a quick bite to eat then sit and watch the world go by before heading off back on the train.
Then the fun began, it was musical chairs for Mrs BM as she can't travel backwards on a train, that was sorted then a young lad three seats up was sick and it smelt like baby poo all over the carriage. He promptly got off at the next stop and left he train staff to clean it up, well done that lad.

Any how we are all back and I have found free wifi at the club on the site, so at least I have not got to rely on the slooooow mobile BB.

This was took from the train as we were crossing the bridge, through the window, moments later the clouds went and we were in Sunshine again.

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