Busy busy

Wow! did I get some work done today!
Was in Glasgow and had to stay in for the glazier to come to replace a wee pane of glass 8inches by 12 at a cost of £115!! Eye watering. Then next came the washing machine man as the "kids" have been without it for the past 3 weeks and keep coming home here with huge washes! Anyhows he fixed it and as it was under guarantee - no cost

During all this waiting time I also managed to hoover the sitting room (after breaking the dang thing, I hate hoovers! I can break one in an instant) Did the dusting, sorted through some boxes that had stuff belonging to my mother, decided to take a few things up the road and the rest I have left . Dont want to give it to the charity shops, dont want to flog it, dont have enough space here to store it so boxes will have to remain under the piano.

Still raining ! Im going demented with all this rain, surely the wettest May yet!

Todays pic a wee lane in Inveraray, looked a bit Parisian I thought!

Have a good blip time all

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