Victim of the wind

Trees are precious, especially in city centres. After the ravages of Dutch Elm disease, Elm trees are even more special. The storm that blew through last week brought down a couple of big trees - this elm and a sycamore - in Aberdeen's Union Terrace Gardens. So sad to see the birds nests strewn on the ground with tiny chicks lying dead - really brings home just how important these trees are to wildlife in the city centre. Also sad to see this old elm reduced in height (the rest of the tree is not dead :-) ), but every tree in this park is under threat from the chainsaw and bulldozer as this green oasis in the very heart of the granite city is coveted by developers who - with council approval - plan to fell all of the mature trees in the park and replace this vital breathing space with a drab civic plaza.

In response to the threat posed to their beloved public park, concerned citizens have formed a group called Friends of Union Terrace Gardens which aims to ensure that this public park remains exactly that - a public park - and is not sacrificed to make way for a private plaza.

Following the great success of the first big picnic in the park last June, the Friends of Union Terrace Gardens are holding "Big Picnic II" there on Saturday 11th June this year ... so consider yourself invited to this free event ... so bring picnic and enjoy some live music and good company in the people's park in heart of Aberdeen :) Viva UTG !

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