Name the biscuit?

What a strange night, eco son having finished his exams continues nocternal activities. Just after midnight that teenage call really focusing on the 'a' 'Daaaaaaaaaaaaaad'.

Woken up less than cooperative, 'WHAT?'

'Just seen a mouse in my bedroom, I am not sleeping in there'

Half naked out of bed, looked at his room and had to bite my tongue, what I wanted to say was

'A bloody mouse and you won't sleep in your bedroom. What about the damp towel that has been on the floor for a week, the dirty pants and socks strewn all over the floor. The decaying food and half empty crisp packets everywhere'

On all fours I chased the mouse into the spare room, eco son retired to bed. Set some traps and headed back to bed, I could not sleep though.

Lovely morning of light grey hues as I strolled round the hill with company with a couple of terriers, Juno played and chased.

Work was a errand of error correcting.

Love tea and chat with Just Sitting, real man therapy session.

Ran home.

Eco gran back from Middle East so up for food and catch up.

Made scones for Wednesday picnic, took eco gran home via allotment for some rhubarb.

German, Belgium or Empire I use all depending on where my mind is, but when only 2 on a plate, it has to be boobie biscuits. (I remember one of my children mentioning this as a name once)

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