
19months 9 days

We've really enjoyed the Bank Holiday. But it's rained from start to finish, practically! We went out and had a walk first thing, Katie fell asleep on the way and snuggled up to me the whole way. After our walk, we went with Granny and Grandad for some brunch. Katie had her first English breakfast. She ate sausage, beans, a bit of toast and left most of the rest.

We then went to Bridlington for the final day of their Arts Festival. Despite the rain, it was a great time. We parked in the park and ride and went on the bus into the town, along a very bumpy route. Katie wasn't keen. First stop was the continental market. Katie immediately headed for the purses and little handbags. Another man told her off for touching the pretties on his stall - in her defence, they were at exactly toddler height.

We weren't sure what would be on with the rain, but they'd moved all the performers inside. So Katie watched her first punch and judy show. She has seen one on her Rosie and Jim video, so wasnt totally bemused, but was still fascinated by it for a long time. She then watched a bit of an Elvis tribute. We then went into the "Coast" Photography Exhibition. She was very excited to see photos of birds, owls, boats. She was very good there. She had a bit of a snack, and watched an accordion player. She is always very taken by live music.

We walked along the foreshore and she fell asleep. G, Gdad and I had an afternoon snack, sat at one of the chalets. When Katie woke up, we took her onto the sand as the rain had let off a bit . She got very into building sandcastles with a little cup that we gave her as a bucket. She was carefully building lots of little castles, counting in the handfuls of sand, going up to 7 now. She lined them up and left them to it. Until it was time to go home, when she went round and stamped them all.

We took the landtrain back to the car, and Katie was really excited about it. She spent the entire journey home demolishing about half the insides of a french stick and is now having Grandad and Granny repeatedly dress and undress her dolls in a variety of her clothing!

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