Where Cromwell Slept
At least according to local tradition. This is Roseburn House, close to Murrayfield stadium, now hemmed in by more recent housing. It also has a more tenuous connection with Mary Queen of Scots and Bothwell. The house certainly existed while they lived in Edinburgh, but whether they ever stayed here is doubtful. The Cromwell link is similarly anecdotal, although his forces did occupy positions very close by during the skirmishing campaign fought around the edges of Edinburgh in 1650 when Cromwell faced up to David Leslie. Although Leslie seemed to have the better of the encounters at Arthur's Seat, Corstorphine Hill and Gogar, ministers of the kirk then interfered and questioned the religious commitment of his army, and removed 3000 men and 80 officers. They interfered again at Dunbar on September 3rd 1650, when despite numerical superiority Leslie was defeated in one of Cromwell's most famous victories. The aftermath of which was the notorious 'death march' of Scottish prisoners to Durham, leading to the death of 3500 on the march or in Durham. More died afterwards than died in the battle - another of Cromwell's more infamous actions. And most of the 1400 still alive in Durham were eventually sent to English colonies in the the New World.
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