
Good old British Marmite- You've got to either love it or hate it. There's no grey area of likeability.

The Danes officially don't like it, as their government has ordered it to be taken off the shelves for the moment because it is fortified with things the powers that be don't want people to be fortified with, namely vitamins.

Personally I love Marmite, especially on crisp bread: just a scraping you understand with perhaps some cottage cheese or even peanut butter. Try it you'll be hooked ---- and heavier if you opt for the latter.

It's the nearest I can get to a love affair with beer, it being a byproduct of the brewing industry. It's discovery can be likened to that of penicillin- accidental.

Someone somewhere took his finger to the goo at the top of one of the fermentation vessels after the yeast had done it's work and liked what he licked. The rest is history.

This squeezable jar in the blip has been on the go for about a year, so the turnover in a lifetime won't deplete the pocket. So for next to nothing you can become bright eyed, bushy tailed and fortified, unless you're Danish.

Whether or not eating it keeps the midges at bay may just be an apocryphal tale.

As I was blipping this prior to going out, his Lordship laughed at me and said I was daft, to which I replied that there may be a thousand other people doing the same thing. Yes, he said, the asylums are full of them, but you haven't been diagnosed yet.
You can't keep a good man down.

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