
By DaveyTrain

Family Snap

Yes, I know. A family photo. This one dear Blippers is a little different.
This is the first time in many a year that we have all been in the one place.
From left to right:
My sister Linda. She resides in the good 'ol US of A with hubby Paul and daughter Valentine (who is so adorable, she will no doubt feature in a blip in the next couple of weeks).
Next is my dad: El Pedro the Swift (Peter) who drove 8 hours from his mountain hideaway.
Then my sister Jenny who lives in Brisbane.
Then me on the right ruining a perfectly good photo :)
My thanks to my nephew Chris for taking the snap.

Sadly, we left Brisbane's lovely weather (as the photo attests), and flew back to gloomy Sydney.
"Ladies and Gentlemen: This is your captain, Jean-Luc Picard. The weather in Sydney is the sort of thing that killed the dinosaurs. It sucks to be you: I'm going back to Brisbane. Mwaha ha ha".

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