Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


It's so "Canadian", eh? Meet Lee and Judy, who live in Maple Bay, Vancouver Island, and bring their boat (an old very small ferry) to Montague Harbor every weekend all summer long where Judy bakes bread and buns and pies and scones and more for boaters to buy. We actually left our island today (!) for civilization and rowed to the marina in our Alden for a few supplies and then of course a stop at the "bread boat". Right before us there was a large group of kayakers here from Oregon stocking up on goodies. (apparently they have a place on Mayne Island to the south....haven't seen them before...)) I had to put these pix together to show this cool boat and her owners (incl. Smoo, the dog) ----I wish Judy had not already handed the bread and the pie down to our boat, I would rather she had a pie in her hand than a camera but she wanted to take a picture of us in the rowing boat - as we usually are in a motor boat. So I added the pie and the bread at her feet. Our little boat is getting some engine repair and our larger 17' engine has a problem too, to be fixed when the little one returns. It's always something with boats! but the oars ALWAYS work!! Eh?

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