With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

For Joy and Eric

A very quiet day, with the boys visiting the abuelos and a lot of resting for me, with left over curry to sustain me. I took myself down to the Port and actually found myself sleeping, without the worry of whether the boys were off drowning somewhere. Well I did worry a bit about them being in the car travelling across the island, but not enough to keep me awake for once.

I woke to see my neighbours had changed to the lovely Joy and Eric. When I eventually managed to speak properly, we discussed the problem of caterpillar toxins and photography. So this, and the alternatives are for you two - what I found on my little Blip journey after we all left the beach.

I timed it just right to coincide with the boys return, post pirate film, though they seemed too tired to be swashbuckling much. Just a few more weeks and they'll be tennis raquet swashing all the time. Oh joy!

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