Get Back to Me

By GetBacktoMe

Shall I ?

A very busy day, and several good shots, but in the end I couldn't resist this little chap who was desperate to join the fun outside. he was barking like crazy but he couldn't quite squeeze through the gap.

The day started at 6.15 a.m. I drove by car to Watford to pick up son no. 1. We drove to mum's to collect the horse box (lorry) and I then drove the 95 miles to Grantham, where we collected our horse, The Camerengo
From there we drove 125 miles to Kingston Blount, near Chinnor, to the Point to Point races, where he ran, but unfortunately not very well. Then drove The Camerengo the 60 miles back to mum's and settled him into his stable. He is now home for the summer, for plenty of relaxation, grass and TLC.

I got home at 8 p.m.

Time for a beer I think.

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