
By RMurang

Three Punctures

Women selling betel, betel leaves and tobacco leaves to be chewed with a dash of lime - the chemical reaction of the combination becoming red all over i.e. the mouth, tongue and lips - sometimes spitting red fluids! On a cold day, this warms up the blood :) And chewing betel is quite addictive too. Craving after craving etc.

Weekend trip to Ingourok, Leimakhong, at the foot of the hills, today with family, Amu and his wife Inung. Inspite of the rains, had a good time out there with a lot of eatings comprising of chicken, snails, fried peas, bora, eggs, fried grams, cucumber+onions+pepper+salt and a lot of country wines called Atingba and the well-seasoned Khari.

Today's the greatest number of consecutive punctures we ever had - totalling three - that too in the rains! And we got only one spare wheel!

So only your imagination can sum up the day's conclusion then, which finally comes late in the night! All thoughts on priority of new wheels above camera equipment :)

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