Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Cup Cakes or are they Fairy Cakes?

I used to make these when my children were small and they were called Fairy Cakes; I am now making them for my grandchildren and they are called Cup Cakes.

It is years since I made this kind of cake, but I have now bought a Cup Cake stand so I must make them again. I hope that for my next effort I will be better at icing and decorating them; I did not have much in the cupboard to use as Cup Cake decorations.

These were made quite small for a birthday tea. They are gluten free, two coeliacs to cater for, but I know they will taste as good as 'normal' ones. Two were eaten while they were still warm and before they were iced, by my husband who swears he does not like this kind of cake!!

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