Yes, it's not all scaffolding, demolition, and general degradation round these parts. There are other subjects to photograph as well. Lovely morning in the house with my two girls. Some fine drawing went on, including this scene of our local park featuring a motley collection of friends and family. In case anyone's wondering I'm the one in the tree with the camera round my neck.
"What I am doing up there exactly?"
"You've climbed it Dad, so you can get a great view"
Obvious really.
We also tend to have some accessible and not too experiemental jazz on a Sunday. Ornette Coleman, for example, rarely gets a look in.
Just realised the title needs a bit of explanation. There was a feature in yesterday's Guardian about kids liking different music to their parents. My girls do like their Abba, Spice Girls and that kind of stuff but they have in the past sang along and really enjoyed Kate Nash, Ting Tings and Patrick Wolf. And the girl in today's blip found Captain Beefheart's Tropical Hot Dog Night so irressistible and hilarious when she first heard it that she felt compelled to come up with this illustration
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