Who knew?

By InOtherNews

No sense

Firstly my photo. Doesn't appear to make a lot of sense does it? That's intended. As you know I often try and get a photo to reflect a mood or a thought, and over the last 36 hours the only common theme is a complete lack of sense at all.

Edit: Do you know what else doesn't make sense in the cold light of day? I have glasses on, something I only require for driving and Xbox and I was doing neither. Mind you I discovered I've also taken the rubbish out and then used the bin without a bag so I guess my eye hasn't really been on the ball

I did leave my new TV in colour though, and to prove it was after midnight try and spot what was on the screen prior to an insane amount of processing....

Okay here are some facts. I've not left the house since getting home on Friday evening, I've had no visitors and no texts. I'm not walowing in pity, I'm explaining how I react to 36 hours isolation. Do I go out and find people? No. I go to the fridge, remove a Carlsberg and drink it. I then repeat that process. At no point have I factored in a sleep. I did consider getting some shut eye at around 8am yesterday morning but it went out the window fairly quickly.

In my defense I am suffering from delhi belly although its only my own cooking I've eaten. Bit hard to get some kip when you don't know which end the next ejection is coming from.

I've needed some time completely in isolation to mull a few things over. Some might say thats dangerous. Its May 29th 2011 today, but it may as well be November 2007 because that was the last time I achieved anything of any real note. I realise I amble along moaning all the time, secretly believing myself to be superior to most the people around me. Not you guys, you see thats why I like about blip: I know that on here I am conversing with the creative, the interesting and most importantly the intelligent (I'm measuring intelligence on here as basic numeracy and literacy).

However in truth I am superior to no-one. Not really. Take the lst few days, banging on about my nemesis and all that. I don't need him: my own worst enemy is under my own skin. Again I'm not attention seeking here, but shortly I am going to sleep (for days probably) and I needed to put something down somewhere before I emerge with a 'clear' head.

The same issues I touched on last weekend have really nudged me here. Again no attention, no sympathy or anything. What you have in life is the sum of what you've put in. I have a house, a car and a job so I have the neccesity (spelt wrong but I just can't be arsed to think) but I have slowly eroded away my friends base, my social life and all the ancillary stuff. I still think its 2007.

It isn't.

Still look at the bright shiny television in my blip. 40". Fucking brilliant. I can read the writing on FIFA now when I edit the names.

Apologies for not commenting and that but I've been living the life of a lowlife thus far this weekend and therefore haven't really conversed with my laptop for anything even mildly constructive.

Have a great day y'all and the 'old' Gary will be back tomorrow. Although for me 'tomorrow' is probably Saturday........

Not like they used to

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