Massive head

In a surprising turn of events, I woke up before James and my bro. Corin and I decided to go to the greasy spoon cafe down the road. James must have realised we were going out, so he got up and joined us.
Sausage, bacon and other such naughty breakfast stuff, with steaming hot mugs of tea, some silliness with the wide angle lens and then Chris joined us - ready to go. Sadly, Faye had to work, so it was me and the boys for what turned out to be a lot of walking and generally being tourists.
James figured out the train ticket machines at the railway and tube stations. Fairly quickly too - he was a dab hand at entering and exiting platforms by the end of the day.
Quality buskers were encountered (Pink Floyd, played very well and enhanced enormously by the acoustics of South Kensington station) and lots of tourists who had mastered the art of meandering directly in front of me!
The Natural History museum was the first port of call, which was fab. The Dinosaur section was good, but far too busy - Corin had the right idea and stayed put in the minerals/gems section.
Refreshments in the courtyard at the Victoria and Albert museum, entertained by the dirty pigeons. Then a mooch through Japanese history, a photographic essay documenting apartheid in South Africa in the 70's and 80's, medieval Britain and so forth. Some wonderful artefacts. Magic.
Lots of walking, to the point where my legs actually hurt.
But a cracking day.
Chinese takeaway soon.
Gin and tonic and Doctor Who whilst we wait.
Happy days.

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