Photo A Day 2008

By 2008photoaday

Dad & Daughter Dance 2008

What a wonderful night. I was invited to the annual Dad & Daughter Dance for the Girl Scout/Brownies & Daisy groups here locally. The theme was High School Musical-
My youngest daughter, Sarah and I went as a "couple".

This is us before the dance. Mom had to get some pictures...
We did the Hokey Pokey, I participated with all the other dads in a Hula Hoop competition (I suck). The chicken dance, Souja Boy "Superman" and just acted the fool with my best girl and all her friends and their dad's. What a great night... My daughter can DANCE, she rocks- 6 and doing the Electric Slide... She got moves.....

I linked some other pictures of the night. To ANY Dad's out here who think this is a goofy way to spend a night. Your missing out- This by far was the most fun I have ever had as a father... I am already looking forward to next year.

Sarah, thanks for inviting and sharing your evening with me.
Love Dad

Breaking it down-

Apples of our eye....

Sarah, Hoopin it up....

The Grand Ballroom

Sarah, dancing fool

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