With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


So a day blipping was kicked into touch by rather grey skies and such humidity that the valley was totally steamed up by the end of the day. I had a gentle morning of coffees, fiddling with a bougainvillea and such. I was supposed to be going to a writers' group in the afternoon, with a rather complicated arrangement for the boys made around it. In the end it was delayed until the evening, so I couldn't go. I took Ben to his penultimate match in Sa Cabaneta instead. At least I wrote a little offering for the group, even if it was 'work in progress'. The game? Well, not as good as last week. One more to go til the end of the season.

A commission tomorrow is making me a little nervous. Can I pull it off? And then maybe a night on the tiles to celebrate if I deserve it.

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