
By anni

Early morning blues

Was sitting in the 6:25 morning bus, on my way to the office, reading my friends friendly fb comments on my "self-disciplines" (like blip but I have others, too, unfortunately) and him going to check the night life where ever he was.

And I've forgotten what night-life means a long time ago. (Not that I would miss it :))

That's when I decided to step out and have a walk. There's a small island right by the highway with some trails and a small beach. It looks quiet but in reality it isn't because of the steady noise from the highway. This early I could spot only one man running the trail and - surprisingly - campers with tents. A guy in one of them had opened the zipper and was quietly sitting and watching the seascape.

Haven't had the energy for blipping this month, my mind has been at work and such. But I've kept up snapping pics anyways. I'm sure it will change again at some point. Three weeks till vacation.

Have a lovely weekend!

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