All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


I think Ethan was rather overexcited to see Granny & Grandpa just before he went to bed last night and was keen to see them again, as he decided 4.50am was the ideal time to get up for the day today. Ouch!

I suppose the one benefit of this was that I was ready early so ended up in work for 7.15am. This meant I was able to finish early too. However, it was a long, hard day as I was shattered and very headachey. Went for a wander at lunchtime and spotted 2 swans on the lochans for the first time this year. Also some baby coots who were being very vocal until their mum came back to them. Cute!

I popped in to see a friend on the way home as I had to drop off Take That tickets which she has bought off me. Stayed for a cuppa and a natter too before heading back to my house.

Granny & Grandpa have taken Ethan home to Beith with them and hubbie also staying over there tonight. He's helping Grandpa and some committee members to set up the annual arts exhibition for this weekend. So I'm home alone overnight for the first time since Ethan was born!

I've already enjoyd a soak in the bath which I don't do often these days and am going to have a lazy evening, then an early night. Bliss!

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