Definitely Visible

By allieballie

Freedom Friday

This might not be a well composed or a pretty picture but it represents my Friday. Freedom Friday.

The essay was bound on the machine at the usual time i.e. as close to Post Office closing as I could get away with. I'm not happy with it - at all. Though I love it's twenty appendices.

To celebrate it's expulsion from my house never-to-seen-or-thought-of-again (or perhaps subconsciously to commiserate and blot out the awfulness of the finished article) I had a glass of left over red wine and then opened the sparkly bought for a party two weeks ago but never used. I didn't change the glass. Why bother? Stains are full of character and maketh the man. We all have blemishes inside or out.

Cheers to those blemishes!

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