Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Stormy Skies

It was a direct toss up between this little beauty and a shot of mymanly cosmetic type things on the bathroom window ledge. I chose this because of a couple of things. Firstly my battery died on the way to work and had no real other choices, and I like it. I like the power lines running through it, subtle and yet distinct. They remind me of my personality: it all looks gloomy but if you really look, something else is there.

It's Filosophical Friday (or Philosophical Phriday) so time for me to contemplate shit that doesn't really matter, work myself all up into a lather and then rinse well with beer after 5pm. The fridge is stocked, the weekend is free and my new 40" hardcore Toshiba is ready to provide me with all the televisual delights I'm used to: Only bigger!!! Haha. I acccidentally caught Fearne Cotton on Celebrity Juice last night in 40" HD. I wouldn't. Not even with yours.

I might have one of them 'dates' on Sunday, although not in the strictest sense.Back when I had no regard for anyone else other than me (yes things have changed so there) I once dated a girl called N (not her real name, its longer obviously) whilst being with K and slightly before seeing G (devil child as I like to refer to her, although she was only a child in maturity). Now N was alright but a bit odd (suited me a treat), but she seems to have settled down down. We just meeting up for old times sake. She has a kid now, not mine as it isn't ginger. It does soil itself when excited though.

Yeah back to my photo. It's alright isn't it? I'm fairly happy with it: moody, basic and yet somehow alluring. Sums up most of my exs. Mind you to sum up G I'd have to take a picture of a massive dog mess with £20 notes stuck in it.

Anyone got ought good planned for the weekend? I haven't. Apart from the stuff I've already mentioned. I suppose I should make more of an effort to do something. I mean as a free and single man I have the world at my feet right? Wrong.

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

I've used it before I know, but when warbled through the painful tones of Janis Joplin it really 'feels' like I feel. I never loved Bobby McGhee though. Sophie Lane? Yes. A random bloke who got lost near Salinas? No.

I'd say have a good weekend y'all or something but it's a bit cliched. If you're in the Lincolnshire area why not look me up. I'll be the bloke on the obscure housing estate in the middle of a thousand fields smoking little rolls ups and drinking Carlsberg wondering why he never meets anyone new.

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