Cramner Courts

This was a castle like building which was one of the most elite apartment buildings in Christchurch for a long period. It had extensive renovation to make it into high end apartments and was famous for its elite residents and beautiful mysterious look. It is in the centre of the city almost and I used to pass it every day on the way to school. I always wanted to live there one day when I was rich and old.
After the earthquake it took a major hit, and large pieces of stonework fell all over the nearby road. The day I biked past and took this photo there were big cranes working further down the building. THis view is the corner where there used to be a large round roofed area, which once held a very exclusive restaurant.
My cousin is famous for going there once and not having enough money to pay for the dinner and having to ring his mother to come and bring him more money before he could leave. Very impressed his date was!!!

Sorry photo quality is poor as only had a cell phone to take it with.

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