Jess & Molly Law

By jml


Another entry in this week's challenge: Temptation.

To see who was tempted, look back at this blip from last week.


Once again, because this blip does not show Jess or Molly, I have provided a new back-blip: Hydrotherapy.

I enjoy putting in back-blips. They are part of the ongoing history of Jess & Molly. Even before I started my blipfoto journal, these two must have been just about the most photographed dogs in the world.

But are these shots from the past really in the spirit of BlipFoto? When they were taken, it was not with the idea of selecting just one to represent the day. Because I am looking over a longer spell - 2005-2010, around 1500 days - and selecting just a few 'best' ones, it seems that they are not quite in the same league as the others. Does anyone else have views on this?

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