Snapshots of reality

By ktbm


Today we had a lie in. After breakfast of cereal, egg in bread, a banana and mango juice, we called Sunni and went to the National Museum. It was very big and there was a lot of history and things, and we spent a few hours there before heading back to the hotel to sort things out. On the way back we got Duncan a haircut! It's very swish, and he also had a shave. We went for lunch on the balcony of a restaurant (I had singapore noodles - disappointing, but I didn't hope for much)! It's now supposed to be raining and thundering but isn't really.

We're booked on the 7.25 train to Varanasi tonight. I hope we get food on the train! This is a photo from our autorickshaw - of more. It's hectic!

41 degrees.

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