
By FauxPunk


This blasted thing has packed in. And I have no idea where to start looking for the camera cable. Will try to pick up another card reader ASAP but it might mean either some iPhone blips or a few backblips. Or a combo.

Good day today. A friend and colleague I've not seen for a good while was visiting from Dundee and was very complimentary about the job fat club have done on me so far. He has a knack for saying just the right thing when u need it. Nice one, Scott :-D

in even more exciting news, mathew was graded in his check test today. That means the DSA are happy with his abilities as an instructor and they don't need to assess him again for another couple of years.

We went out for tea to celebrate. It was hilarious how much they messed it up. They brought out my main. With Mathew's starter. Then they brought out my soup straight away. Then they came over to say that they somehow got Mathew's main(fish) mixed up with mine (tagine). Wha?!? So they hadn't cooked it. But would now. Then we realised they hadn't brought a spoon for my soup. mathew got one for me, and I alternated between soup and tagine. Had worse. We were obviously both in good spirits as we just laughed it all off... On other days am sure we would have been raging!

Also realised then that I've had a completely vegetarian day!

In other news, it's now day five of my 1-3 days waiting on something arriving from eBay. Grrrr!

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