Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Busy bee

I've had a busy day today - as I did my planning last night I was able to get two job applications written this morning before I went to work. Applications used to take me all day to write but not any more! To be honest, I've written so many during the past year that I'm now at the point that I think I've got the best possible letter of application that I can do. Every job I've applied for, I've improved my letter slightly until I'm really happy with it now. All I do now is tweak it slightly to take into account what each individual school wants and, hey presto - ready! I spent a long time at the start of my job-hunting quest scanning the application form into the computer and adding text boxes in all the spaces so that I could produce a more professional looking application - that time was time well spent as it's saved me hours of painstaking writing over the year. (Teachers have to complete a job application and a two-sided letter stating why they are the best person for the job.) Now all I need is a job - bring it on!

The picture was taken at my dad's house. I'm not sure what the purple flowers are but they are gorgeous and there are loads of them, everywhere. This busy little bee was in the right place at the right time and actually in focus for once!

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