Sky Power
The Sky Hotel + Wind Power
I was back on my bike to work today which was mostly a pleasure, however the wind was against me all the way which was not so much fun. To remind me how windy it was I thought I would have a go at this windmill and while I was at it I'd throw in a dramatic sky, a brand new (opened last week) hotel.....and a few tree tops. I could have got closer (to get the trees and the last bit of the hotel) but it would have meant holding up 4 lanes of traffic while I lay down in the middle of the road during rush hour. So enjoy the clouds, if you would, and forget the bottom of the frame.
I thought if I hid from the sun in the shadow of the windmill it might produce a good effect. I have pumped up the saturation then put a b&w layer with tones above, which I then set to 45% opacity. I might have spiced it up in Topaz Adjust (a great PS plug-in) as well and then mild denoise (with Topaz again). The denoise really helps the clouds look great. Photoshop does have a denoise but it's not quite as good.
I really am not happy with the framing but I really like the cloud over in the bottom left hand corner when you go large
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