my beautiful xylophonist

Up at 6 this morning which was a luxurious lie in compared to yesterday, although she had been in bed with me from 11 last night and didn't seem to sleep well, the wriggle monster. We had both had weetabix for breakfast, Amelie did so well eating hers by herself and hardly spilling a drop. We then had a shower (as is now customary on a weekday morning)and then played with her dolls. We changed their nappies, swaddled them, kissed them, cuddled them, took them for a walk (rather precariously, two babies in one buggy!) and fed them (bit of a difficult one, I'm all for breastfeeding where possible but I've given Amelie one of her old small bottles that she had expressed milk in to feed them with...lets just say its expressed milk).

Amelie was snacking continuously this morning, growth spurt perhaps, so she had an early snack and then we headed out to buy some tuna. Once we got back I put her down for a nap and she slept for 1 hour. It was time for Stay and Play when she woke up so Lookeengood, Stay at home Steve and I walked along together to the Bungalow. They were all playing outside for the hour and a bit and Amelie continued to snack constantly.

On our way back home Chris phoned to say he had to pop into work so I said to wait for us and we would come too. My original plan was to go for a walk into Reigate but Amelie was fed up of the buggy so I decided to put monkey reins on and in the housing estate where his work is based. When we got there we realised she had had a bit of a yucky accident in the car and she had to be stripped down and changed...which she didn't particularly like... This was the 5th dirty nappy of the day - teething much! Anyway once we had cleaned up I walked along with Amelie and we ended up at a little shop where I bought her a little milky way. She had walked well, making only a couple of breaks for the road - preferring to try and run into people's gardens. Chris was finished by the time we got to the shop so he came to pick us up. When we went to put her into her carseat we realised that it was covered in the earlier accident! Amazing what a babywipe can clean....

Today's entry is dedicated to babywipes all over the land. We love you.

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