
By Lynn

Tax doesn't have to be Taxing

That bluddy advert on the local radio station drives me "nuts" on the commute to work, especially when you know that you have got to complete the monthly sub contractors tax return on arriving at the office. All as I want to do is listen to music whilst battling through rush hour traffic, not some woman constantly reminding me about getting the return in. Then when I get to work there is a penalty notice for saying I got last months return in late, fine £100.00 did I heck, so an appeal letter was quickly despatched to the Revenue post haste. Oh and next month is the PAYE end of year tax returns to do, I suppose the bluddy Sage system won't line up the text in the boxes on the P60's and I end up doing them by hand, so the Revenue won't reject them.

14 mobile phones have landed on my desk on arrival. The lads were all due an upgrade. Orange are getting as bad as BT for passing you from one department to another, all as I wanted to do was register the new sims to the correct number. I dare say next week if someone rings Tony they will probably get Gary. Oh and one of the Managers did not like his new Blackberry, not slim enough, too chunky, too bad Mr Mitch like it or lump it.

Health and Safety Consultants landed to gen the managers up on all the latest new procedures blah blah blah, don't these consultants just love the sound of their own voices, plus the fact I was having to make them tea and coffee all day. The poor lads looked like they were all back at High School but they still managed to demolish a whole tin of chocolate biscuits whilst taking it all in.

Hubby kept ringing me up in between as to what horses he should back as he was a Cheltenham races, he was not too amused when I gave him horses for the race that had just been run, and only a third and fourth place in the next race. Well dear sort your own betting slip out I am not very good on multi tasking in the office on Friday.

The office lads plus hubby are all off to a black tie do tonight, I think they are all attempting to celebrate St Patricks Day. Spare ticket Lynn someone shouted are you going to come. No thank you I have had enough of you lot today, and anyway I would probably end up being the taxi service dropping them all home.

One good thing Hubbys due a tax rebate, and as I have to do his tax return, expenses and mileage reports, I might just look at him with puppy eyes and drag him off to the nearest Apple Mac shop and hopefully get a new computer. But of course I will only want it for my photos Lol.

Anyway in between multi tasking at the office today, I blipped some coloured pens and files.

Hope you all have a bright weekend. Happy blipping.

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