In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

A Forest

As the By Order Of Me series continues, and to enable you all to enjoy all the photographs I will have to do a little bit of cheating from here on forward, until completion. You see, the project originally consisted of 20 signs,but this is the modern world, and a lot of them have had to be taken down because they were vandalised and became too costly to repair and re-site. So the rest of the blips from now on are actually a daily photo download from a local artists' blog site. I have done this though with the persons' full consent and approval.
So I do hope that nobody mind or complains, as I feel it is mportant to let you all see the original complete series.
Today's featured sign is, perhaps a tad too far back to be read clearly, but what it says is, " In The Future This Better Be A Forest. " A sign of of hope. Hope that the newly planted trees that surrounds the sign, will not be vandalised and will survive to grow. Which is ironic really as the trees appear to be untouched, whilst the sign itself is no longer there due to the aforementioned mindless vandals

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