Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Glorious Day

Two links to kick you off. First of all I've blipped this before here but decided this morning to have another go seeing as the sun was a-shining. I think this one is probably best.

Second link is a direct reference to my blip title and something I had on in the car this morning. Don't get me wrong the malignant black cloud that hangs above my head is somewhere about, but this morning I managed to slam the front door shut before the persistent little bugger realised I'd dragged my sorry ass down the stairs.

Popped over to the doctors last night who has told me he doesn't need to see me again apart from when the old happy pills are due for renewal in 12 months time. Dr Sultan is a sound guy, really approachable. I've had some really shitty doctors in my time. Mind you as a youngster I only used to go to them if a football match clashed with work. I was off sick for England v Portugal in Euro 2000 with 'bad ears'. England Tunisia in the 1998 World Cup? Laryngitis. Nigeria v England in 2004? Displaced duodenum causing minor pressure on my falange. Which is real. I heard part of it on Friends and I think the other bit came from a crisp packet.

Amusing then that when Reactive Anxiety Depression and Oesophagitis kick in I prefer to go to work and eat KFC.

Don't you just love KFC? I'm on two a week. I even have my own little routine when eating them. I devour the hot wings first before mixing the fries and BBQ beans together, ending on the zinger tower meal. I do not (and I repeat this mainly for the benefit of Mr Acne who has served me twice recently) DO NOT have lettuce and mayo. I'm not someone who feels by having a splash of green on my calorie fest that I am in some way being healthy. Mayo? It looks to much like bodily discharge for me to consume.

Oh and as for asking if I want a diet Pepsi..... do you really think if I was health concious I 'd be puchasing food from a hatch that is delivered in a box and prepared by a youth who's face weeps more than that woman Picasso painted back in 1937? Do you think I'd be eating food with my fingers? Do you think I'd consume something that requires at least 3 napkins (one of which has to be dampened with some form of soap) to cleanse my fingers?

Check that out, poncy art reference coupled with derogatory comment about a nameless individual. You don't get that anywhere else on blip people.

Thing I like today: The weekend. Blippers. Big mugs of tea, kicking Kirkys arse on FIFA time and time again. The work of Pete Doherty (musically not the frankly odd paintings he does in peoples blood) and talking about myself.

Things I don't like today: Everything else. Jordan (included in everything else but I dislike her twice) Fearn Cotton (the woman makes my blood itch). Celebrity Juice (mainly because when I saw it I was convinced they were going to drop ten Celebrties in a juicer. How disappointed was I?)

GwM: Yesterdays KFC being served by the girl whom previously I may have proposed to, but noticing a tattoo behind her ear of her initial. If I needed reminding of my initial the last place I'd put that reminder was behind my ear.

Getting a 40" TV tomorrow. Thought fuck it, why not. Only live once and I may as well give Kirky more screen to run aimlessly around while I cut his team apart like a machete through a mango.

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