The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Here Comes The Rain Again

Another day of torrential rain and gale force winds with spells of beautiful sunshine that lasted just long enough to send Satans Minions scurrying for their wellies only to come back in five minutes later soaked to the skin and shivering.

The older Minions were junk modelling this morning at nursery. When I went to collect them I was presented with two boxes each with 3 bits of masking tape stuck to them. I may be a terrible parent but surely I'm not the only one who finds it hard to work up any enthusiasm for such artwork. Minion number five noticed me looking at her creation in a slightly confused manner and helpfully explained that it was a camera. Right. So not only am I lacking that gene that allows me to coo adoringly over whichever piece of glue soaked tat I am presented with I also have zero imagination. No wonder my recycling bin is full to bursting within two days of it being emptied.

Despite photo looking like a rather ramshackle police line up (or a breakout from the junior loony bin) behaviour was relatively good today. The only major mishap was when some bright spark left the front door open and Minion number two escaped. I went out to find her lying at the bottom of the steps in a pool of blood, bleeding profusely from the head. Luckily it looked worse that it was and after a few minutes the bleeding subsided and she went back to attempting to haul Minion number four off her princess car.

Quote of the day: "but I said sorry". Minion number three mistakenly assuming he can get away with anything as long as he apologises after.

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