My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

Celebratory Binge.

This is a photo of a glorious new paintbrush (Windsor & Newton, Series 7 @ £26.00) and a delicious pint of beer in a Cambridge pub. I snapped it, and a tiny 0, during that lovely moment when you play with the shopping before lunch.

My son had had a good interview for an architectural internship, and everyone was in a good mood. What better time for sable brushes and beer?

I have had days and days of hand tinting Tudor charters for Uppinham School, which made me realise how blunt all my brushes had become.

We went to King's Chapel after lunch. Having been gazing at all things Tudor for so long, I was extra sensitive to all the Tudor display in the beautiful building. It is everywhere. Talk about branding.

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