Adventures of Alex

By unicornalex


So busy day, writing this quickly before revising.

Got this picture this morning on my way out of the Uni heading to Stirling High School. The 3rd years there had a careers meeting and as a representative of project trust I was talking to them about gap years and long term volunteering. The talk wasn't really based on their age group but they still all seemed fairly interested. I was surprised how well it went I was pretty nervous as I've never really done any public speaking before but it seemed to go well. Maybe I'll become a teacher. Even got a free lunch and paper weight with a picture of the school on it. Most other people were about seemed to be about 25+ made me feel very grown up.

Stopped off at Iceland to buy some bananas. Got 2 pairs of tights and 2 belts in Primark then got the bus back. Didn't get rained on to much which was nice.

If you saw Sunday's blip of the oyster catchers you'll be pleased to know they survived yesterdays storm even though the satellite dish on the left didn't which is amazing! I'll go have a quick check on them when I've finished writing this.

Time to Revise. Last exam tomorrow!

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