Another Day

By pcc


Today I am having a quiet day at home, so what to photograph?
Amber - she is now 10 years old.
These last few months she has had several visits to an Ophthalmology - an eye specialist for animals. There is only one in the South Island, and fortunately he is in Christchurch.
Amber has had a lot of trouble with her eyes and could not open them in the mornings, and I had been backwards and forwards to the vets, with the problem not being solved.
When I went to Steve - the eye specialist - he found on examination that Amber had extra eyelashes and lumps growing under her upper eye lid. I will not give you the medical name for it! She had an operation, as here. 27 days on from there she is looking pretty good. We have to put ointment in her eyes for the rest of her life. This is more for dry eye, and she is also having drops at moment for some inflammation.
She was full of energy on her walk this morning, so must be feeling good.

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