
By Poppy

We didn't get home from our night out until 9am today! It was wonderful! See yesterday's blip!

Ollie was very glad to see us, but would quite happily have stayed with Bobby and John, being spoilt rotten and the centre of attention! When I rang them last night to say we wouldn't be home until the morning, they started to get ready for bed. As soon as he saw this, Ollie settled down on the sheepskin rug in their bedroom!

Today Ollie and I went for a very bracing walk around the cliffs, between the showers. It was very wild and windy, difficult to stand upright most of the time, but bright and sunny too. This fulmar on the cliff ledge was in a very exposed position, but looked quite settled. The cliffs on the west side of Orkney have suffered a lot recently - big chunks of rock falling into the sea after the gales.

Lots of poor little seedlings and baby plants in the garden are looking very battered. Hope the wind drops soon . . .

Another rehearsal tonight . . . not long now!

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