Learning day by day

By EmmaF

One for Rich

As I was walking to Nursery today...

William has been grouchy all day. He refused point blank to be put down at tumbletots so in the end I left at the halfway point. He then fell asleep in the car and transfered to the buggy and had an hour. He woke screaming and unhappy and slowly settled again in my arms and then had another hour in the conservatory. Having woke at 6.20 to have been asleep by 10.00 is not normal for him, nor is to sleep for two hours. He was then grouchy in the buggy as I did jobs in town. To top if off he only really ate raisins all day, refusing everything else that was offered.

Carys was extremely tired after the weekend this morning, but settled happily at Nursery. She went home with a friend for lunch and then met up with me again at 3pm. She was complaining of tired legs (very unusual for her) and I decided to veto ballet and give them both an early tea, bath and bed.

It worked to a certain extent. William ate more sausage, mash and beans than he has eaten for the last three days and Carys was in bed for story by 17.30 and was last heard awake at 18.10. William has been a different story, drifting off around 18.00 but waking every twenty minutes or so. He has finally settled or so I think, at least giving me enough time to write this. His sleeping is getting worse rather than better and I am thinking about seeing or GP after a conversation at the weekend and so research. Now I just have to get an appointment...

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