Crossed forks!

What a Hell of a day weather wise.
First I was almost hit by a huge and I mean huge tree branch that gave way just as I walked past it with the dogs. I almost had a heart attack, luckily it missed by about a foot but scary! Then when I was out in the car, I did get hit by a stray branch but it just churned itself up under my front wheels eventually so after all that I decided that my Guardian Angel had already done enough overtime so I went home

Not long home when the power went out so I made toast over the fire and rinsed out a tin and made tea also over the open fire, then when #2 daughter and her pall came home, they made toasted marshmallows closly watched by Sam who loves mallows. After that they had a fork fight and Sam joined in and was giving paws galore for more mallows.

Earlier this morning before the weather went to Hell I moved the guinea pigs and Houdini rabbit into the front garden. Im watching him closely as no doubt he will be casing the place out for a weakness in the fence!

Better wrap up now and put my Guardian Angel under some more stress as I am about to take the doggies out.

Hope you have not all been blown away today

Have a good wind free blip all

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