
By MrsLambchop

Innocent until...

The Goocifer. 1 year, 4 months, and 18 days old

No of DVDs put under the sofa: 45
No of socks removed: 7
No of socks recovered: 5
No of circuits of living room completed: 240
No of circuits of living room completed under own steam: 0
No of circuits of living room completed whilst tottering, dislocating fingers & aggravating SPD of mother: 240
No of hissy fits in shop when not allowed to "walk" around: 5
No of minutes of hissy fit when not allowed to "walk" two miles home from shop: 20
No of minutes taken to get to sleep: 45
No of minutes actually asleep: 55
No of Blip entries deleted by child: 1

New words include: wow, hiya, and idiot.

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