
By LuckyJim

Ran this evening for the first time in a wee while - was a shock to the system to be sure. Too soon after dinner. Bit icy underfoot. New trainers. Dicey right knee.

Got the shoes on Saturday. Dude was asking me what I was looking for - I said: just starting, bit more mileage, quite flat feet, tend to overpronate, blah, waffle, etc.

Took me shoes off and the bloke was visibly taken aback. Later declared that I had a 'couple o' flippers down there'. Thanks, captain tactful - no offence taken :)

Question... why do aesthetics go out the window when it comes to proper, supportive running gutties? 99% are big, booming, white abominations. Surely it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to make some functional shoes that were actually nae bad to look at either?

i guess flippers can't be choosers.

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