Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Magnolia Flower

The Magnolia trees throughout our community are blossoming. I think they are very pretty and quite unusual since they are such a large flower. When I was growing-up, Grammie Teele lived on Magnolia Street, so that gives me one more reason to appreciate them.

Mr. Fun reached high into the tree to capture this shot for me. We had gone together to get some groceries and pool supplies. That sounds so innocent, but egads a cart full of groceries cost $90.00; then pool supplies $65.00; and a tankful of gasoline for his vehicle for $56.50. So I've decided staying home is so much safer, at least on the bank account.

We did stop at the frozen yogurt shop and got a dollar off our total because it was "happy hour." So $5.00 bought the two of us each a delicious cup of yummy.

It's been a casual relaxed enjoyable Saturday.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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