A Pic is Worth a 1000 Words.

By AgrawalKrish


Here I introduce 'my Parents' on blipland. This is the first frame of them since I joined Blipland.

Didn't even realize how those 25 days passed away and finally it's time to bid good bye to all. Though my flight to US is on 19th early morning I need to go to another city (RAIPUR) to catch early morning flight to DELHI (initially my US flight was on 18th morning for that reason I booked RPR - DEL flight on 17th morning).

Though for very short period of time but could still meet some very close friends.

Mouth watering Gujrati Lunch added spice in hot sunny day which finally ended with delicious dinner with Uncle, Aunt & Cousins.

Delhi Here I come...

Last but not least: Thanks a ton for all your comments & appreciations on Yesterday's Entry.

*It's a Backblip# 01*

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